When God created the earth in the beginning, Adam was not created until all had been prepared as God wanted it to be. Then Adam came forth. Born of the earth first (flesh) then born of God (spirit) by the breath of God.
It is no different today. For man to enter into all that God has prepared for him, he must first be born of flesh and born again by the incorruptible seed (spirit), the word of God given by the inspiration of God (breath of God.) If any man is IN CHRIST he is a NEW Creation, old things are passed away, ALL things are new and ALL things are of God. OF GOD. Just like in the beginning.
God did not need Adam to do anything more than to receive what He had created and given to him. God had done the work and then declared rest from His work as Adam began his labor. Adam did work but it was also his rest as he obeyed God. Adam had only to believe and receive. His obedience was included in his believing, for as long as he believed God, he obeyed God. You cannot separate obedience from believing.
Today, many desire returning to Pharisaical laws and rules thinking they are pleasing God when in reality they are proud (their works) and resisting the grace of God. Grace is God working, not you. Grace is God’s gift and not wages. All fallen man must do is believe what God says and be saved by His grace through faith.
To believe we must add our woks to what God has done in Christ in order to be righteous is to mix the work of God with the works of man. This is a sure formula for condemnation and feelings of failure, if nowhere else, in our own minds as soon as we fail to live up to the self imposed works we created to supposedly please God. Human pride in place of God’s finished work. Jesus said, “It is finished.” We are saved by His finished works and our faith that His work is complete or finished. We need not add anything but only believe and receive.
Many believe the verse, ”Be ye holy as I am holy” means to live righteous works leading to holiness. THINK about this. What are YOU able to do to make yourself as holy as God is holy. Nothing! Your holiness comes from God as you are obedient to BELIEVE and RECEIVE the gift of God. When you do, your holiness is His holiness for you are as He is.
Today, all who would please God can only do so by faith in His FINISHED work of salvation and redemption. Man is reconciled to God ONLY by grace through faith, NOT of works, so no man can boast. But what about, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling”? We are to show forth works OF our salvation not FOR our salvation. As born again sons of God we are to live in this world but not limited by it as we live by faith in God who says is anything to difficult for me? And, “Nothing shall be impossible to him who believes.”
I read recently that we are to look unto Jesus first and foremost as our Savior and then as our example of living by faith as He did. Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, the works I do shall he do also and greater works shall he do because I go to the Father.” When Jesus went to the Father, the Father sent the promised Holy Spirit to indwell all who believe in Christ as Lord and Savior that we might live in this world in the power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus did.
We must cease from striving to please God and rest in faith that He is already pleased, for the works needed to restore fellowship between God and His creation have been completed in full by the work of His Son Jesus. We are saved as we cease from our works and rest in His, for when we work God rests but when we rest God works. As Jesus said, “Come unto me all of you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
The church must preach and the world must hear what God has declared to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the ONLY gospel by which all that believe and receive it may become born again sons of God, redeemed, reconciled and FULLY COMPLETE in Christ Jesus.
It really is something to think about!